Arab Spring As a Missed Opportunity For The European Union



Arab Spring, European Union, EU Foreign Policy Instruments


The Arab Spring appears as one of the importants events at the international level. For the European Union (EU), the Common Foreign and Security Policy, which was introduced with the Maastricht Treaty, was expanded with the Lisbon Treaty, making it possible to talk about a more effective sustainable European foreign policy. When the Arab uprisings began in late 2010, it was seen as an important opportunity for the EU to implement its new post-Lisbon Treaty foreign policy and its new foreign policy instruments on a regional basis in the Middle East and North Africa region where this uprising took place. At the same time, since the region in question is an important strategic region for the EU, the Union has the opportunity to be an actor shaping the future of this region. However, when we look at the current situation of these countries and the results of the policies implemented, it is possible to say that the EU has lost the chance to implement an active foreign policy and help democratic transitions in these countries.




