Thematıc Content Analysıs of Studıes on Webquest Learnıng Method in Turkey



Learning method, thematic content analysis, WebQuest


The aim of this study the determine the trends in research on Webquest learning method in Turkey with thematic content analysis. The study was carried out using the document analysis method. In line with the determined purpose, a total of 46 studies (21 master's degree, 6 doctoral dissertations, 16 articles and 3 papers) made using the WebQuest learning method in Turkey so far have been analyzed by thematic content analysis method. Studies were examined in terms of publication type, year, sample size, sample level, research method/pattern, data collection tool, data analysis type, courses used, subject discussed, results and recommendations. As a result of the analysis, when the distribution of the studies according to the types of publications is examined, it is seen that 45.7% of them were studied in the master's thesis, and the quantitative method (f=50) was preferred in the research method. It has been observed that the sample level is generally studied with secondary school students (f=21), and the scale (f=39), open-ended and multiple-choice tests (f=31) are used as data collection tools. In future thematic analysis studies, it is recommended that researchers do these screening and compilation studies using the PRISMA flowchart.




