Development Of Agricultural Insurance in Turkey, Transition To Tarsim And Evaluation Of Insurance Sector For The Purpose Of Labor And Employment
Tarım Sigortalarının Gelişimi, Sigorta Sektörü Aktörleri ( Sigorta Şirketleri, Sigorta Acenteleri ve Çiftçiler ), sigorta sektörü istihdamAbstract
The history of agricultural insurance practices in Turkey dates back to the 1930s. However, as no insurance company can take on the catastrophic risks of agricultural insurances on its own, there has been no major progress in this insurance branch in our country as in the whole world. However, with the increase of technological developments and the fact that nutrition has come to the fore during the importance all over the world, the states have supported the insurance companies in the development of this insurance branch. In this context, a new period has started in agricultural insurance, and we can call this period state-sponsored agricultural insurance.
Turkey also has not insensitive to these developments in the world and has started to work in order to develop these insurance branches since 1987. Depending on the developments in this field, there has also been an increase in the employment of groups working on agricultural insurance
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