Examination of The Relatıonshıp of Fınancıal Status Perceıved by Athletes and Instant Purchase Behavıor of Sports Goods



Perceived Financial Situation, Instant Purchase Behavior, Impulse


This study aims to examine the relationship between the perceived financial status of athletes and impulse buying behavior for sports products. The “perceived financial situation scale” was used to examine the perceived financial status of the athletes. “Immediate buying behavior scale” was used to examine the impulse buying behavior of the athletes. After the information of the collected data was processed into the SPSS program, the Mann-Whitney U test was used for some relational comparisons and the Kruskal Wallis H test for some relational comparisons. As a result of the comparison of the Perceived Financial Situation Scale and Immediate Purchasing Behavior Scale mean scores according to the income groups of the participants, it is seen that the participants in the income group of 0-999₺ in the Perceived Financial Situation Scale are statistically significantly higher than the participants in the income group of 2000₺ and above. On the other hand, in the Impulse Purchase Behavior Scale, it is seen that the participants in the income group of 2000₺ and above are statistically significantly higher than the participants in the income group between 0-999₺.




