Author Guidelines

1) Articles in Turkish and English not published elsewhere or submitted for publication are accepted.

2) In order for the articles to be pre-checked, the article template must be used (click to download). In order for your studies to be evaluated, the entire study must be prepared using the ETU Synthesis Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences article template. The template file you will download will facilitate the preparation of the articles in accordance with the editorial rules of our journal.

3) The study must comply with grammar rules. The use of punctuation marks in the article should be based on the latest TDK Spelling Guide in the writing of words and abbreviations, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, the subject, purpose, scope, reason for preparation etc. of the study. the information should be given in sufficient amounts and in a specific order.

4) Since the article will be subjected to blind referee evaluation, there will be no author (s) information on the article. For this reason, the author (s) should upload an additional file with the information to the system with the article. When uploading your articles to the system, after selecting the "New Submission" tab, the first step is to select the submission language, submission requirements, notes for the editor and policy notification tabs, and click the Save and Continue tab, and proceed to the Upload Submission stage. At this stage; The article should be uploaded and approved by selecting the text of the article, then click the new Add Another File button, select the Other option and upload the author information file.

In the supplementary file, the title of the article, the name, surname, title of the author (s), the institution and unit to which it is affiliated, ORCID number (available from address, telephone and e-mail, research or interests, whether this manuscript is based on a thesis (specialty, doctorate, etc.) and, if applicable, at which conference, where and when it was presented. It should also be stated who the author responsible for the communication is. This knowledge is required in order to increase professional communication in the field. The additional file prepared must be uploaded to the system during the application.

5) Information about the author (s) should not be given on the first and second pages of the article. This information will be added at the typesetting stage for accepted articles.

6) On the first and second pages, the abstract, minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords / keywords and Gel Codes / Gel Classification codes ( php? view = gel available at).

7) Footnotes should be on the page where they are mentioned, tables and graphics should be placed on the referenced page or its continuation. Tables and figures should be given titles and numbers, and titles should be placed above the tables, below the figures and graphics. Paragraph head should be 1 cm inside.

8) Citations should be included in the text as in (Surname, Year) example. All references to articles, books, etc. should be given as in the examples.

Single author: (North, 1992)

Two authors: (Charemza & Deadman, 1993)

With more than two authors: (Kaya, Güngör ve Gülhan, 2016)

If more than one citation is used, semicolons (;) should be used between citations.

(North, 1992; Ferrer et al., 2016)

If there is a reference to an author's works published in the same year, it should be coded alphabetically.

(Kaya, 2020a)

(Kaya, 2020b)

9) Articles should not exceed 10,000 words (20 pages). Bibliography and appendices, if any, are not included in the length of this article. Appendices should be placed after the bibliography section.

10) Articles should be written on A4 size paper with 11 pt Cambria font with 1.15 line spacing, using 4 cm margins from the topand bottom, using 2,5 cm margins from left and right . The paragraph to the whole text should be 1 cm and the paragraph spacing should be 0 pt before, 6 pt after.

11) The sources used should be written alphabetically according to the author surname order at the end of the text in the references section. References should be listed according to the publication date, if an author has more than one publication. APA 6 style will be used in resource writing.

12) The articles must obtain ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMISSION and the information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) must be specified in the method part of the article. In addition, the ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMISSION document must be sent as an additional document when submitting the article. Articles without ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL certificate will not be evaluated. Detailed information about the permission of the ethics committee can be found in the "About - Ethics Committee Permission" menu.